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Friday 24 November 2017

“The Future Of Coding Is No Coding At All” — Did GitHub CEO Predict Traditional Programming’s Death?

future of coding programming automation
GitHub, also called “Facebook for Programmers,” has completed a decade this year. Today, it has become a go-to place for developers to share their code with others, indulge in collaborative approaches, etc. It’s now home to 24 million total users and 1.5 million organization.
At the company’s annual GitHub Universe user conference, company’s CEO Chris Wanstrath made his final keynote address on Wednesday. Earlier in August, he announced that he’d step down as company’s CEO as soon as a worthy replacement is found.

Future Of Coding: End of programming as we know it

The increased innovation in the field automation with the help of AI and machine learning has resulted in increasing tension in the traditional job markets. It’s a common perception that robots will steal our jobs and intelligent machines will ultimately rule the humanity.
Earlier this year, we told you about an artificial intelligence system created by Microsoft and the University of Cambridge researchers. Named DeepCoder, this system can write code after learning from a huge code database. Overall, whatever might be the final outcome, we also need to analyze the impact on programming world in the upcoming years.
Addressing the same issue, during the keynote, Wanstrath said that coding could also become another job for the advanced robots (Via: The Register).
“We think the future of coding is no coding at all,” he said. But how would change take place? Have AI techniques advanced so much?
He outlined the fact that people are writing lesser code as a lot of functionality now comes from libraries. Further down the road, people will write even lesser, thanks to machine learning and community expansion efforts. This will make software development process more mechanized and accessible.
In order to innovate at the same pace, GitHub is taking some steps on its end as well. The company has recently launched Dependency Graph to show packages and apps linked to a particular repository. It’ll tell a developer when the code relies on an insecure package.
In near future, we’ll surely witness more tools from leading organizations to help the developers automate their tasks and change the software development workflow.
Are you a developer? What are your views on future of coding automation? Whatever might be the final outcome, the demand for skilled coders isn’t fading anytime soon. Here are some programming courses for you:

Kotlin Programming Language Will Surpass Java On Android Next Year

At Google I/O 2017, Google announced the newly added support for Kotlin programming language in Android, along with the existing languages Java and C++. As per the experts, Kotlin came as a breath of fresh air in Android development ecosystem to make “Android development faster and more fun. But, what about the numbers? How many developers are making a shift to Kotlin? Let’s find out.
Realm, a mobile development platform, has shared its latest edition of the quarterly report. This report offers useful insights of current mobile development ecosystem.

Will Kotlin surpass Java on Android?

In case you look at the major programming languages being used for mobile developments, you’ll find languages like Java, Swift, Objective-C, C#, JavaScript, and Kotlin. As you can see in the graph below, Swift is making strides at a faster pace and making Objective-C disappear. This wasn’t the case too long ago. Android is about to undergo a similar change.
Since Google I/O 2017, Kotlin’s growth rate has entered into a new dimension. The percentage of developers learning and shifting to Kotlin is increasing as no one wants to be left behind.
In geographical terms, in Android ecosystem, Asia leads the pack. However, as the developers in Asian countries are more conservative in pursuing new technologies, this huge shift in Android development is expected to benefit the American developers in future.

The year of Kotlin: 2018

As per data, 20% of the apps built with Java before Google I/O are being built in Kotlin, which is a fast growth given the timeframe of 4-5 months.
“Kotlin may even change how Java is used on the server, too. In short, Android developers without Kotlin skills are at risk of being seen as dinosaurs very soon,” the report states. As per predictions, Kotlin will overtake Java in December 2018, which would be about 17 months after the official support announcement.

Why choose Kotlin? How to learn it?

As said above, Kotlin is expected to make Android development a faster process and make it fun. The language is interoperable with Java. A major benefit of Kotlin is the lesser number of lines of code. Its compiler can automatically infer types in variable declarations which can save time and improve productivity. You can read about major features of Kotlin in our dedicated “Why learn Kotlin” article.
There are tons of useful Kotlin courses available on the web. For instance, you can check out this cost-effective beginner course available on Udemy. Further, feel free to visit Fossbytes Academy and start learning with the help of following hand-picked Kotlin bundles at attractive discounts:

Parrot 3.9 “Intruder” Ethical Hacking Linux Distro Released With New Features — Download Here

parrot intruder
In mid-October, The Parrot Project announced that it’s going to be releasing the latest Parrot Security 3.9 operating system for ethical hacking and penetration testing in the upcoming weeks. The team also released its beta release for testers. After the wait of a couple of weeks, the final Parrot 3.9 release is here.
While the official release announcement and release notes are nowhere to be seen on the website of Parrot OS, the team has made the announcement on their Facebook page. “Parrot 3.9 (codename intruder) is now available for download,” the team wrote.

Prior to that, in another announcement, the team revealed their plans to bring Firejail sandboxing “with additional AppArmor, SELinux and Tomoyo support on Parrot 3.9.”
As per Parrot Security 3.9 download page, its flagship edition is available on both 64-bit and 32-bit platform. Powered by Linux kernel 4.13, Parrot 3.9 is based on Debian 10 Buster. Out of the box, you get MATE 1.18 desktop environment.
parrot security os 3.9
Images: Parrot OS Facebook Page
The major software shipping with the OS are LibreOffice 5.4, Firefox 56, etc. The full version includes AnonSurf, TOR Browser, Cryptographic tolls, Security Pentesting tools, Digital Forensics Tools, Development Tools, Electrum Bitcoin wallet, Wine support, and UEFI support.
You can go ahead and follow this link to find the torrent and ISO links of various Parrot Security 3.9 versions. Give it a try and let us know your feedback.

DoubleLocker: This Android Ransomware Activates Every Time You Press Home Button

doublelocker android ransomware
Android’s accessibility services are features that help the users to take advantage of an alternative navigation method on behalf of apps installed on the smartphone. The security researchers at ESET have detected a new ransomware that exploits these services.
Detected as Android/DoubleLocker.A, this Android ransomware takes inspiration from a banking trojan named Android.BankBot.211.origin, which is distributed with the help of disguised programs. However, instead of compromising users’ banking accounts, DoubleLocker ransomware has a couple of other tricks up its sleeves.

It’s distributed via fake Adobe Flash Player through infected websites. After it’s launched, the fake app requests the activation of malware’s accessibility service, called “Google Play Service.” This enables the malware to gain admin rights and set itself as default home app.
Being the default home app allows the malware to increase its persistence. Every time a user taps the home button, the ransomware gets activated and the device gets locked.
The attackers have set the ransom to 0.0130 bitcoin, which is about $55. The message tells that it must be paid within 24 hours.
The overall operation of DoubleLocker can be further divided into two parts. First, it changes your device’s PIN. Once the ransom is paid, the attacker can reset the PIN and unlock the device.
Second, the ransomware encrypts all files on device’s primary storage using AES encryption. As per the researchers, there’s no way to recover files without the encryption key.
To get rid of DoubleLocker ransomware, the ESET researchers advise the users to perform a factory reset. In case your device is rooted, there is a method to bypass the PIN lock without a reset. You can find further details here.
Did you find this story on DoubleLocker helpful? Don’t forget to share your views with us.

Your Windows Login Details Can Be Stolen By Hackers Without User Interaction

facebook ntlm hack
From time to time, the security researchers continue to make us realize that Windows operating system is full of loopholes that can be exploited by hackers to steal our data. One such vulnerability was patched by Redmond in recent patch Tuesday.
This patch deals with a dangerous attack that could help an attacker to steal Windows NTLM password hashes remotely and freeze the vulnerable machine.

It’s worth noting that the issues related to Microsoft NTLM architecture are widely known. However, such an exploitation attempt demands user intervention or traffic interception. In the latest attack vector, no user interaction is required, and the task is completed remotely.
To carry out this Windows NTLM attack, the notorious actor needs to put a malicious SCF file in a publicly shared Windows folder. Having a public folder with no password protection is common in almost all Windows environments.
Once it’s done, a mysterious bug helps the attacker collect target’s NTLM password hash and upload it the pre-configured server. There are many free software available which could be later used to crack the hashes and gain access to the computer.
This Windows NTLM attack was exposed by Juan Diego, a Columbia-based security researcher. He reported the issue to Microsoft long back in April, and it got patched after 148 days in the form of security advisory ADV170014.
To patch this flaw, Microsoft has changed two registry keys to disable NTLM on the system. However, as these keys are available only on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, these are the only versions that are being patched.
It should also be highlighted that the cause of the hack still remains unexplained. Talking to Bleeping Computer, Diego said that Microsoft has been very secretive about the underlying trigger.
The users are advised to apply this patch as it’s expected to fix other pass-the-hash exploits as well. Also, don’t share folders without passwords, it’s not worth the risk.
Did you find this story on Windows NTLM attack and exploitation helpful? Don’t forget to share your views with us

Google Is Tracking Your Android Phone’s Location Even With Location Turned Off

google tracking location using cell tower data
What do you do when you don’t want Google to track your activities and location continuously? Few steps you take in such situations are turning off mobile data and location services. Some people go further down the line and disable apps or remove the carrier SIM cards.
What if I tell you that Google can still track you even after you’ve performed all the tasks mentioned above? According to an investigation by Quartz, the search engine giant has been gathering data about your location endlessly and sending it back to their servers when your device re-connects to the internet. Google has also confirmed the same.

Location tracking using cellular towers

As per Google, cell tower address information was being sent to Google servers since the beginning of 2017 to manage push notifications and messages on Android devices–even with location services disabled. The company started looking into Cell ID codes to improve the push and messaging services. The end-users don’t have any control over this tracking.
android data tracking using cellular location
“However, we never incorporated Cell ID into our network sync system, so that data was immediately discarded, and we updated it to no longer request Cell ID,” Google told Quartz. Surprisingly, the devices were caught sending the tower addresses even when they had no SIM cards installed.
By the end of November, Google plans to disable this location tracking feature that uses cell towers. It’s also not clear how the company planned to improve the above-mentioned service with cellular location data.
Overall, this revelation is troubling for people who wish to avoid being tracked, including law enforcement officials, whistleblowers, or abuse victims. In case their smartphones are compromised by some malware, which isn’t surprising in the world of Android.
Did you find this revelation appalling? Share your views with us

10 Reasons Why Your Computer Hates You More Than Ever | Fix Slow Computer

why is my computer so slow
Do you use a computer nowadays? The answer could be yes because that might be the machine you’re using to read this post. So, without doing any useless talk, let’s come to the point. What is the reason you think our computers or any other hardware run into problems? It could be one or many.
Other than the obvious and inevitable ones like aging, unexpected power surge, hardware failure, people not taking good care of their computer can be a topic of utmost concern. It can reduce the life expectancy of your machine and make it slower by the day.

Why your computer hates you? Why is it so slow?
So, if you’re among the careless ones and do one or many things mentioned below, your slow computer would most likely hate you if it were a person.

1. You deprive your PC of software updates and security patches

If you want to know the answer to the question “Why is my computer so slow?”, Chances are high you may find it on the software update screen. You might realize that tons of software updates and bug fixes are pending.
Software updates are important; your vendor might have done changes and updates to improve the machine’s overall performance.
So, not letting your computer update regularly would deprive it of new features, as well as, security patches for the latest bugs discovered now and then. And you should also keep the virus definitions of your antivirus software up to date.
The same goes for other software you’re using on your computer. Problems related to a particular app can affect the overall performance of your system.

2. You don’t care if there is dust and filth are all over your computer

dust inside computer
I can recall days in college, my roommate’s computer had layers of dust deposit, and he didn’t even take the pain to wipe it once in months.
If you want to prevent your computer from dying a premature death, keep in mind, dust and electronics don’t go along, ever. It shouldn’t be a thing that you have to wash your hands after using your computer.
Dust deposit also occurs inside a computer around the cooling fan, thus, trapping the outbound heat from the components within the body itself. Eventually, the internal hardware wears out faster than it should, and it is a reason for a slow computer over time. So, you need to keep your computer neat and tidy if you want it to last for a few years. Don’t forget to read our article on how to prevent your computer from overheating.

3. You don’t think before downloading stuff

System Update Malware Main
Don’t be that person who just fills their computer with things he doesn’t even know what they do or if they’re needed. It’s also the case that people don’t pay attention while downloading or installing software and end up getting adware and other freebies.
These free tools can be bad for your computer and might open gates for malware invasion. That’s how ransomware sneaks into people’s computer. Becuase they click any random link and the rest happens in the background. Consider using some anti ransomware tools if you think some ransomware might land on your computer.

4. You’ve stored digital garbage on your hard drive

garbage in computer hard drive
Now, filling your hard drive with data won’t cost anything to you nor me. It’s your hard drive, and you can do whatever you want. But doing the same on a regular basis might upset your computer, especially, if most of the data is absolute garbage. Like, the photos of your childhood crush that are still lying in that hidden folder, or the videos in the study folder you have already watched.
In the case of Windows, features like System Restore and Hibernate require some space on your hard drive to store related data. Moreover, keeping unnecessary things on your hard drive increases work for the antivirus software and the defragger, as they have to handle more files while scanning.
Filling the hard drive up to the brim can have its disadvantages. Your PC needs some space vacant to work efficiently. The recommended amount of free space you should leave is between 10 to 15%, if you can manage more, it would be better.
Here is how you can free up around 20GB of hard drive space in Windows 10. To get more space, you should regularly clean the recycle bin and temporary files.

5. You load tons of programs during startup

Another answer to “Why is my computer so slow?” is that you allow too many applications to load on startup. Not to mention, most of them are installed by the OEM. Your PC will definitely hate you if you’re lazy enough to disable the unnecessary ones.

Slow computer fix: disable startup programs

disable startup programs windows 10
In Microsoft Windows 10, you can disable startup program by visiting Task Manager > Startup. Click the desired application in the list and click Disable. Similarly, you can prevent apps from loading at startup on your other operating systems like MacOS, and Linux distros. Similarly, you can read various other tips and tricks to make your Windows PC faster and improve performance.

6. You never shutdown or restart your computer

shutdown computer
Many people are often confused if they should keep their PC running forever, properly Shutdown after every use, or at least, Restart it once in a while. You can clear your confusion by reading our detailed post on whether you should restart your PC or not.
A system restart clears your computer’s RAM and shuts down all the processes. It helps the system get a fresh start after incidents of freezing or software crash, and solve problems like RAM leakage, or broken installations. So, use this slow computer fix and reduce your worries.
Read our complete guide explaining the difference between Fast Startup, Hybrid Sleep, Hibernate, Sleep, Shutdown

7. You never fix issues on your computer

Now, some apps or malware has been messing around with your system for a while, and you don’t seem to care much because all you believe is Netflix and chill, and Facebook. As a response, your angry computer slows down to the level that one day you can’t use it. Then you’ll be left with two choices: fix what’s broken or get a new machine.
Software related problems can be easily fixed. Like you can repair your hard drive using various tools mentioned in this post. For Windows, various common issues include the 100% disk usage, high RAM and CPU usage due to the ntoskrnl.exe process, etc.
You shouldn’t forget the hardware part. A faulty RAM chip or a hard drive going rogue can cause problems for your computer. It would make the computer lag and crash more often. So, consider replacing malfunctioning hardware as soon as possible.

8. You connect to unknown WiFi networks

free wifi public places
Everything that’s labeled “free” isn’t always good. Things are similar in case of WiFi. If you find open WiFi networks at public cafes, airports, parks, don’t immediately rush to connect to the network and soak some internet out of it. And here I am not talking about the WiFi networks other than ones authorities have deployed as a part of customer service.
The free WiFi network could be bait set up by some attacker trying to get access to people’s computer using different WiFi hacking apps to steal information and install malicious stuff including ransomware.
Moreover, you should turn off the Bluetooth radio on your computer. It’s also equally vulnerable as tons of attack vectors take advantage of Bluetooth.

9. Your computer’s security isn’t tight enough

computer security
Do you use the most famous password, 123456? Then you’re very well putting your innocent PC which thinks it’s password-protected at risk.
For various password cracking tools, guessing your so-called strong password is like a child’s play. Here are some tips sourced from experts that can help you create hard to crack passwords. If you are running Microsoft Windows, you can try these alternative sign-in options instead of typing a password.

10. You’re running your daddy’s operating system

Even though I still have a soft corner for Windows XP, I won’t prefer the deceased veteran over Windows 10. Apart from the feature updates offered by the new versions, new operating system versions also enhance the security by fixing bugs discovered in the past. And since the new OS versions are the part of their developers’ mainstream support, new bugs are fixed first for them.
The story is similar in the case of other operating systems, be it the macOS or some Linux distribution. Even your beloved old OS would want you to be a part of the evolution and switch to a newer version.
So, these were some reason I think might slow down your computer, and your digital friend might stop loving you if you don’t change your habits. If you have something to add, you can drop your suggestion in the comments.

Firefox “Breach Alerts” Will Warn If You Visit A ‘Hacked’ Website

Firefox Breach Alerts
One more thing is coming to add to the capabilities of the recently released Firefox 57 aka Firefox Quantum.
Mozilla is working on a new feature for Firefox, dubbed Breach Alerts, which will warn users when they visit a website, whether it was hacked in the past or not.

Mozilla has teamed up with the website “Have I Been Pwned” whose data will be used to notify users about any data breaches. HIBP’s Troy Hunt confirmed via a tweet that the feature is in the works.
Firefox’s new warning system is currently in the early stages of development. It’s unclear how it would work and how far in the past Breach Alerts would go when reporting data breaches to the users.
According to the GitHub repo of the Mozilla engineer working on the Breach Alerts project, the warning notifications will focus more on recent security breaches.
The warning notifications would also carry a “Learn More” link which will take users to a support page containing documentation about data breaches. Further, Breach Alerts would also offer Firefox users an opt-in service to get notified of future data breaches via email.
If you’re a developer interested in the project, you can compile the prototype present in the GitHub repo and test it in Firefox Developer Edition.
What are your views on the Firefox security feature? Drop your thoughts in the comments.

Kali Linux 2017.3 Brings New Hacking Tools — Download ISO And Torrent Files Here

kali linux 2017.3
Kali Linux, the leading ethical hacking operating system, is distributed and developed by Offensive Security. In 2016, the developers decided to make a switch to the rolling release model to make sure that Kali Linux is updated at regular intervals.
Combining all the latest updates, patches, fixes, and improvements released in past few months, latest Kali Linux 2017.3 snapshot has been released. Before this release, Kali Linux 2017.2 was shipped in September.

Changes and new tools in Kali Linux 2017.3

The latest ISO is powered by the updated Linux kernel 4.13.10. As a result of this, some of the significant changes are:
  • EXT4 directories can now contain 2 billion entries
  • TLS support built into the kernel
  • CIFS now uses SMB 3.0 by default
Before telling you about the new hacking tools included in 2017.3, let me tell you the existing packages that have been updated. These packages include Veil 3.0, Reaver v1.6.3, Social Engineering Toolkit v7.7.4, O-Saft 17.04.17, cuckoo 2.0.4, Burpsuite v1.7.27, Pixiewps v1.3, and Ethtool. Existing bugs in packages like Metasploit, Openvas 9, Setoolkit, Nmap, Hydra, etc., have been resolved as well.
The newly added Kali tools are:
  • InSpy: Performs enumeration on LinkedIn and finds people on the basis of required criteria
  • CherryTree: A often-requested note-taking toolcherrytree new
  • Sublist3r: Enumerates subdomains across multiple sources at once. Thanks to integration with SubBrute, one can brute-force subdomains using a wordlist.
  • OSRFramework: A collection of scripts to enumerate users, domains, etc.
  • Massive Maltego Metamorphosis: A combination of Maltego and Casefilemaltego new

Updating your Kali installation

In case you have Kali Linux already installed on your computer, you don’t need to download the new image and perform a clean installation. Just run these commands and make your move to an upgraded system:

Download Kali 2017.3 ISO and Torrent files

Just like all the previous releases, Kali Linux 2017.3’s 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available in the form of standard ISO images, VirtualBox and VMware images, ARM images, and cloud instances. You can download the HTTP downloads and torrent files on Kali downloads page.
Are you going to upgrade your existing Kali installation? Don’t forget to share your views and experiences with us.

5 Hidden Tips and Tricks for Google Chrome On Android

G oogle Chrome comes as a default browser installed on most Android phones. It is fast, responsive and comes with all the basic features...