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Tuesday 24 October 2017

How To Check Whether Your Antivirus Working Perfectly Or Not

Today you must be utilizing antivirus in computer and laptops, And there are many antiviruses that are accessible now that scan your computer and then eliminate viruses from your computer. But the virus is flattering more vulnerable day by day. But do you think your antivirus is strong enough to detect the developed viruses that are generated every day.
As many of you might utilizing some of the premium or advanced antiviruses but you didn’t want to waste your money on them? So let’s check it with the best trick for How To Check whether Your Antivirus Working Perfectly Or Not. This is a very manageable method that will check the methodical working of your antivirus. Just read the below method to proceed.
How To Check Your Antivirus Working Perfectly Or Not
So let’s test your antivirus that is it is competent to scan some of the harmful viruses that can damages your computer a lot. The method is very simple and based on a simple notepad trick that you will get to understand after reading below steps. So just go through below steps to proceed.
Method 1# Checking Your Antivirus
Step 1. First of all, click on start and then type notepad and press enter.
Step 2. Now notepad will open, and there you need to paste the given code below.
Step 3. Now save this file as SPYBOYAntivirus Testing File.exe
Now scan this file with your antivirus and check if your antivirus detects it. If it detects it then your antivirus is working perfectly. Otherwise, you need to change your antivirus as soon as possible.

How to Create Anonymous Website(Dark Net)

Tor is an anonymous, secure network that allows anyone to access websites with anonymity. People normally use Tor to access normal websites, but they don’t have to. If you want to set up your own anonymous website, you can create a hidden service Tor site. Your hidden service website runs entirely within Tor, so no one will know who created and runs the website. Only people using Tor can access it, though. Hidden service Tor sites are ideal for anyone who wants to set up a website anonymously, such as political activists in repressive countries.
Not all hidden services have to be websites. You could create an SSH server, IRC server, or any other type of server and offer it as a hidden service on Tor. This tutorial will focus on setting up a hidden Tor site using the Savant web server – which Tor recommends – on Windows. The steps can also be applied to other operating systems and web servers.

Step 1: Install Tor

To get started, you’ll have to download and install Tor on your computer. If you already have it installed, you can skip this step. By default, Tor installs the Tor browser bundle, which includes a specially configured Firefox browser.
hidden tor sites
You’ll see a green onion icon in your system tray when you’re connected to the Tor network.
tor web sites
Once it’s installed, you can check out an example hidden service by pluggingduskgytldkxiuqc6.onion into your Tor web browser’s address bar.
tor web sites
Tor must always be running on your system for the hidden service to be accessible. If your computer is off, disconnected from the Internet, or if Tor isn’t running, the hidden service Tor side won’t be accessible. This does have some anonymity implications – it’s theoretically possible to infer whether or not your computer is running the hidden service by seeing whether it’s accessible when your computer is off.

Step 2: Install & Configure A Web Server

You’ll need a web server to serve the hidden service site from your system. Tor’s official documentation recommends against using the common Apache web server. Instead, Tor recommends using the Savant web server on Windows or thethttpd Web server on Mac OS X, Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems. Tor’s documentation notes that Apache “[is] big and has lots of places where it might reveal your IP address or other identifying information, for example in 404 pages” but also notes that “Savant probably has these problems too“.
The takeaway is that web server configuration is very important. If you’re running a very sensitive hidden Tor site, you’ll want to go through your web server’s settings and ensure it isn’t leaking any information that could be used to identify you, such as your IP address.
We’ll use Savant as an example here, but you can set the same options in other web servers. To configure Savant, launch its main window and click the Configuration button.
tor web sites
From the configuration window, you’ll need to set the “Server DNS Entry” box to “localhost” to bind Savant to localhost. This ensures your website is only accessible from your local computer, so people can’t access it over the normal Web and see you’re hosting the hidden service Tor site.
You’ll also have to note the port number you’re using.
tor sites
After the web server is configured, you’ll want to add your content. By default, Savant uses the C:\Savant\Root directory (you can change this from the Pathstab). Ensure you replace the index.html file in this directory with the file you want as your homepage.
tor sites
You can verify it works by typing localhost into your main browser’s address bar. If you set a different port instead of 80 – say, port 1000 – type localhost:1000instead.
tor sites

Step 3: Configure The Hidden Service

Now that Tor’s installed and a web server is running, all you have to do is tell Tor about it. You should be able to add this information to the torrc file through the Vidalia graphical user interface, but I experienced errors and had to do this by hand.
First, shut down Tor if it’s running.
tor web sites
Next, locate your torrc file. If you installed the Tor Browser Bundle, you’ll find it in the Tor Browser\Data\Tor directory. Open this file with Notepad or another text editor.
tor web sites
Add the following section to the end of the file:
Replace C:\Users\Name\tor_service with the path to a directory Tor can read and write to on your system. Do not use the directory that already contains your website. This should be an empty directory.
Replace the :80 with the port the web server is using on your system. For example, if the web server is running on port 5000, you’d use the line HiddenServicePort 80
tor web sites
Save the file after editing it. You’ll also have to create the directory you specified, if it doesn’t already exist.
Restart Tor after you do this. Once you have, you’ll want to check the Message Log to see if there are any error messages.
If the Message log is free of errors, you’re good to go. Check out the hidden service directory you created. Tor will have created two files in the directory – hostname and private_key. Don’t give anyone the private_key file or they’ll be able to impersonate your hidden service Tor site.
You’ll want to open the hostname file in Notepad or another text editor. It will tell you the address of your new hidden service Tor site. Plug this address into your Tor web browser and you’ll see your website. Give the address to others so they can access your site. Remember, people must be using Tor to access your hidden service site.
hidden tor sites
Have you used Tor or set up a hidden Tor site? Be sure to share your experiences and any tips you have in the comments!

Everything About Tor: What is Tor? How Tor Works ?

tor-onionTor or The Onion Router, allows anonymous use of internet veiling the actual identity of the user. It protects the user from any traffic analysis and network spying. Tor is perhaps the most popular and secure option available for anonymous internet connectivity.

Where it came from?

Tor is based on the principle of ‘onion routing’ which was developed by Paul Syverson, Michael G. Reed and David Goldschlag at the United States Naval Research Laboratory in the 1990’s. The alpha version of Tor named ‘The Onion Routing Project’ or simply TOR Project was developed by Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson, launched on September 20, 2002. Further development was carried under the financial roof of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
The Tor Project Inc. is a non-profit organisation that currently maintains Tor and is responsible for its development. It is mainly funded by the United States Government, further aid is provided by Swedish Government and different NGOs & individual sponsors.

How it Works?

Tor works on the concept of ‘onion routing’ method in which the user data is first encrypted, and then transferred through different relays present in the Tor network, thus creating a multi-layered encryption (layers like an onion), thereby keeping the identity of the user safe. At each relay, one layer is decrypted and the remaining data is forwarded to any random relay until it reaches its destination server. For the destination server, the last Tor node/exit relay appears as the origin of the data. It is thus very difficult to trace the identity of user or the server by any surveillance systems acting in the mid-way.
Other than providing anonymity to standalone users, Tor can also provide anonymity to websites and servers this comes under the category of hidden services. Also, P2P applications like Bittorrent can be configured to use tor network and download torrent files.

Controversies and Influence:

Tor has been eulogized for the anonymity and privacy it provides to the users who want to bypass censorship, who are abused and traumatized by stalkers and social activists who are afraid of being arrested by the authorities. It has been used by different security agencies to share confidential information.
The NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden used Tor to leak information about PRISM to The Guardian and The Washington Post.
Tor has been criticized for the reason that it acts as a medium for different illegal activities like data breaching, drug dealing, gambling etc. Tor is also used by malevolent people to communicate over the internet while keeping their identity hidden which makes it difficult for the security agencies to trace them.
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has called Tor “the king of high-secure, low-latency Internet anonymity” and similar comments by BusinessWeek magazine, “perhaps the most effective means of defeating the online surveillance efforts of intelligence agencies around the world”.
Another speculation made is that Tor takes its funding from the U.S. Government which may lead to the assumption that NSA may have compromised the identities of individual Tor users, but the executive director Andrew Lewman has disclaimed any confederations with NSA.

Can it be Compromised?

Various claims have been made to compromise Tor’s anonymity and security from time to time. The most famous is the Bad Apple Attack in which the researchers claimed to have identified around 10k IP addresses of active Bittorrent users who were connected via Tor.
Another famous compromise was done by the Heartbleed bug in April 2014 which halted Tor network for several days.
Traffic Fingerprinting is a method used to analyse web traffic by analysing the patterns, responses and packets in a particular direction. This can be used to attack the Tor network by making the attacker’s computer act as the guard.
The main vulnerability found is at its exit points where the level of security is very low as compared to the rest of the Tor network.

Products based on Tor:

The Tor Project Inc. has released Tor Browser which is a modification of an Extended Support Release version of Mozilla Firefox browser. The browser is made portable so that it be used from an external media and reduces the hazel of installation. It removes the user history after every use, thus reducing the risk of any kind of cookie tracking.
Other products like Orbot – an android version of Tor, Orfox – a mobile version of Tor Browser are developed by The Guardian Project which is a global developer community founded by Nathan Freitas.
We can set-up SOCKS (Socket Secure) based applications to use the Tor network by configuring them with loop-back address.

Tor Alternatives:

Hornet is a new anonymity network that provides higher network speeds compared to Tor. I2P, Tails, SubgraphOS, Freenet and Freepto are other top alternatives that can be used.

Winding Up:

Tor has proved to be a great medium for safe, secure and anonymous web presence that can be provided to a user at no cost. Although it is available for a positive intention, but is also used by malignant people in fulfilling their needs. The Tor project has led to an optimistic approach towards censorship and surveillance free internet.

41 Toughest Google Job Interview Questions

google job interview questions
It’s not a hidden fact that Google asks mind-bending questions at job interviews. These questions are asked to check your ability to work under pressure and test your approach of tackling problems on the spot. The company also asks some simple questions to check your way of answering in a concise way.

41 Toughest Questions Google Will Ask You At Job Interviews

What is your favorite Google product, and how would you improve it?
— Associate Product Manager, January 2016
If you wanted to bring your dog to work but one of your team members was allergic to dogs what would you do?
–Associate Account Strategist, December 2014
If ads were removed from YouTube, how would you monetize it?
— Associate Account Strategist, January 2016
What do you know about Google?
–Administrative Business Partner Interview, February 2015
Design an evacuation plan for the building.
–Business Analyst Interview, November 2014
Which do you think has more advertising potential in Boston, a flower shop or funeral home?
–Account Strategist, October 2015
A coin was flipped 1000 times and there were 560 heads. Do you think the coin is biased?
–Quantitative Analyst, September 2015
What does “being Googley” mean to you?
–Product Specialist, December 2015
Name a prank you would pull on x manager if you were hired.
–Google Applications Support Engineer, June 2014
What is your opinion on whether or not individuals should be required to use their official name when opening a Gmail or Google + account?
–Administrative Assistant Interview, April 2014
What would you want to do if you didn’t have to work?
–Interaction Designer, September 2014
What scares you?
–Business Analyst Interview, September 2014
How many ways can you think of to find a needle in a haystack?
–Business Associate, May 2014
If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?
–Associate Account Strategist Interview, March 2014
If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
–Associate Account Strategist Interview, March 2014
How do you think the digital advertising world will change in the next 3 years?
–Creative Director, January 2016
What three things would you change at your university/work place if you were CEO today?
–Account Strategist Interview, April 2014
Describe AdWords to a seven-year-old.
–Associate Account Strategist Interview, December 2014
You have a grocery delivery service (similar to Amazon Fresh) which delivers food within 24 hours. Estimate how many trucks you need to operate this service.
–Product Manager, November 2015
How would you explain cloud computing to a 6-year-old?
–Product Manager, November 2015
Tell me what you think about Google charging users $1/month to use Gmail.
— BOLD Candidate, October 2015
How many haircuts do you think happen in America every year?
–Business Associate, May 2014
List six things that make you nervous.
–Android Support Level III, July 2014
Tell me something about you that isn’t on your resume.
–Associate Account Strategist Interview, March 2014
What is the market for driverless cars in the year 2020?
–Product Manager, November 2015
Model raindrops falling on a sidewalk (sidewalk is 1m and raindrops are 1cm). How could we know when the sidewalk is completely wet?
–Software Engineer, January 2016
How would I explain the importance of HTML 5 to Larry Page and then to my grandma.
— Creative Specialist, January 2016
Tell me a joke.
— Executive Assistant Interview, March 2014
The best question in my opinion was, they asked me at this stage whether you prefer earning or learning.
— Software Engineer, January 2016
If I gave you 10 million dollars right now, what would you do?
–Associate Account Strategist, May 2014
Define a service that would allow you to travel to the future.
–Interaction Designer, December 2015
Would you remove the link to an extremist piece of writing?
–Legal Assistant, December 2015
How could you solve humankind’s biggest crisis given one billion dollars and a spacecraft?
–Database Administrator, December 2015
You have a colony on Mars that you want to communicate with. How do you build a system to communicate with them?
–Associate Product Manager, November 2014
How many cars travel across a bridge each day?
–Advertising Interview, September 2014
If you had access to a bank’s database, how would you use that information to design an ATM for elderly people?
–Associate Product Manager, February 2015
How would you improve a shoe factory?
–Field Operations Specialist, November 2014
Design a mobile social app for a chain of local orthodontist offices.
–Product Manager, November 2015
What are the number of new book titles published in the US each year?
–Product Manager, November 2015
How would you solve homelessness in downtown San Francisco?
–Product Manager, November 2015
Did you find these questions interesting? Tell us in the comments below.

These Four Lines Of Code Can Crash Anyone’s Smartphone And Computer

There’s a notorious link being shared on social networking websites that can crash nearly all smartphones — all you have to do is just click on this link. Known as on this will crash your browser), this link crashes your browser by overloading it with thousands of characters in the address bar each second. As a result, the phone memory exhausts and your device crashes.
Back in September, we encountered a  similar bug in Google Chrome that caused the browser to crash with just 16 characters. This website link is being spread via apps, social networks, simple URLs, and shortened URLs. It should be noted that this bug isn’t malicious and it doesn’t break anything in your phone.

Devices affected by

The bug hits iPhone’s Safari browser in the worst manner possible. If you click on the link, it crashes your iPhone 6S or iPhone 5S running iOS version 9.2.1 or a regular iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2. After about 20 seconds, it’ll force the iPhone to reboot and heat up the device.
Even though the new bug is called crashsafari, it affects Android phones and Google Chrome as well. Apart from phones, this bug also affects desktop browsers if your computer doesn’t have enough RAM and CPU power.

How does work?

crashsafari iphone bug
The website is running a small piece of JavaScript that creates a loop with the help of History API and crashes your device. The History API allows the websites to change the URL of the page without performing page refresh.
If you are an iPhone user, you should be very careful about any new incoming shortened links as they could forcibly reboot your phones. Notably, these links have already been opened 100,000 times. You are advised to take extra care as it’s being spread on the web via misleading links.

5 Hidden Tips and Tricks for Google Chrome On Android

G oogle Chrome comes as a default browser installed on most Android phones. It is fast, responsive and comes with all the basic features...